Despite the increasing number of commodities being re-shaped and modified as new digital forms, board games have got a new relevance during the last years becoming a very trending subject in crowd funding websites and recovering their role as people´s recurring leisure alternatives. Given the growing importance of the study of new methods of game creation and the scientific analysis of the distribution of games as goods, it is worth deepening in the topic of analog games and find out more about their current state in our culture.
On Thursday 5th of March from 10 am. to 4.15 pm. the Gamification Lab will hold a workshop on Board Games at the Centre for Digital Cultures of Leuphana University with talks revolving around methods for gameplay design, the articulation of themes as simulations, and the pitching and publishing of concepts.
Our speakers will be:
– Uwe Rosenberg Talk in GERMAN
He is popular for several of his games, including Agricola, a game that dethroned “Puerto Rico” as the highest rated board game on He started his career developing play-by-mail games and got published his internationally-known game “Bohnanza” by Amigo when he was still a student. He founded together with other authors the publishing company Lookout Games, which has released several expansions for his game. His works revolve around innovative game cards mechanisms, research-intensive games with historical events as their main theme and gender clichés. In the last years he has also focused on developing complex games with economics as part of their topic.
– Peter Eggeert
Designer of „Funfair“, „Global Power“, „Quick and Dirty“ and „Neuland“; he owns his own publishing company called „Eggertspiel“, which focuses on strategic and tactical games with very little or not at all elements of chance. Having started with his team of designers` developments, the company has expanded to also offer games of other authors, including those that have been very successful such as “Camel Up”, “Rokoko”, “Monte Cristo”, “Glück & Auf”, and “Village”, among others.
– Bruce Whitehill
Game designer, publisher, writer, inventor, historian and researcher. Known internationally as “The Big Game Hunter,” he is considered the world’s foremost authority on American game companies. He has written extensively on American games and game companies, including their products and their people. He has presented lectures on American games and game history at international symposia of the international academic research body Board Game Studies in Italy, Germany, Portugal and Belgium. He has worked for 25 years as independent games consultant. Among his works as game designer can be mentioned “U.S. Trivia Trip A”, “ Stealth”, “ The Psychedelic Cypher Caper”, “ Change Horses ” and “Drei”. Some companies at which he has either consulted or participated in different game projects are Milton Bradley, Hasbro, Parker Brothers, Mattel, International Games, among many others.
-Jeffrey Allers
Originally from Iowa, USA, has published 9 games including “New Amsterdam” (nominated to the International Games Award 2013), “Citrus”, “Alea Iacta Est”, “Piece o’ Cake” and “Heartland”. He has written articles for Gamewire, Boardgame News, Counter Magazine, and Opinionated Gamers. He has lectured at Berlin’s Technical University and has run youth and children’s workshops on game design in local schools. He leads a group a game designers in Berlin who meet regularly at the Spielwiese gaming cafe. He writes about his experiences there and the design process for his group’s games on his blog, Berlin Game Design.
– Christoph Cantzler Talk in GERMAN
Hamburg-based independent game designer with a considerable number of games in his catalogue. His work interests are games focusing on communication, knowledge and dexterity. Besides his publishing activities he also develops game concepts and solutions that support the projects of companies and organizations. His game RIFF RAFF was nominated to the “Spiel des Jahres” 2013 and won the „L’As d’Or – Jeu des L’Année Enfant 2014“ at the International Games Festival in Cannes, France.