
The Gamification Lab currently hosts a number of interesting PhD projects that are situated in the field of Game Studies and Gamification Research. The PhDs work on aspects of the aesthetic, ethical and political implications of gamification and investigate  innovative formats of ‘gamified’ apps, civic technology, and socially aware practices of ludic media.

PhDs from left to right: Benjamin Egger, Sebástian Gomez, Matteo Cremonesi, Kristian Lukić and Vincenzo Idone Cassone (visiting academic, PhD in 2019).

PhD topics (preliminary):

The politics of gamification: computer games aesthetics and the regulation of bodies (Sebástian Gomez)
The free-to-play model and changing ways of playing and designing games (Lies van Roessel)
Narrative Consistency of Games in Transmedia Storytelling (Jonathan Barbara)
Cyberspace, the aftermath of an ideology (Matteo Cremenosi)
Visions of leisure (Kristian Lukić)

and (PhD location and first supervisor at the University of Turin):
Playing by the rules: meaning and cultural impact of contemporary gameful design (Vincenzo Idone Cassone)

Selected publications:

Barbara, J. (2015). Towards Measuring Consistency Across Transmedial Narratives. In International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (pp. 243–250). Springer International Publishing.

Barbara, J. (2015). Generating Consistent Game Levels. In Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (pp. 451–456). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Barbara, J. (2015). The Challenge of Transmedia: Measuring Consistency. In Games User Research Design Tool Jam Workshop. London. Retrieved from

Barbara, J. (2015). Measuring User Experience in Multiplayer Board Games. Games and Culture, 1555412015593419.

Barbara, J. (2014). Measuring User Experience in Board Games. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (IJGCMS), 6(1), 64–79.

Cremonesi, M., Cuttica, F., Prati, D., Ruffino, P. (2017), ‘IOCOSE: Art after culture jamming’, in Culture Jamming: Activism and the Art of Cultural Resistance, ed. by DeLaure, M., Dery, M. and Fink, M., NYU Press, New York.

Cremonesi, M., Cuttica, F., Prati, D., Ruffino, P. (2015), ‘Art After Failure’, in Silicon Plateau #01, Center for Internet and Society, Bangalore, India

Cremonesi, M. (2015), The Pirate Cinema: a generative self portrait, HZ-journal, Stockholm, Sweden

Cremonesi, M. (2014), ‘F.A.T. Lab, le fake comme hacking social, in Le Cahiers Européens de l’imaginaire, CEI#6, CNRS Editions, Paris

Cassone, V. I. &  Thibault, M. (2016) The HGR Framework: a Semiotic Approach to the Representation of History in Videogames. In “Gamevironments, Issue 05: Gamevironments of the past”

Cassone, V. I.  (2016) Mimicking gamers. Understanding gamification through Roger Caillois, In Games and Culture special issue “The other Caillois. Game studies beyond Men, play, games”

Cassone, V. I.  (2016) History as we know it: conspiracies and historical narrative through Deus Ex: HR. In Lexia n.23 “Conspiracy theories”

Cassone, V. I.  (2016) Lude et labora. Notes on gamification at Work. In “Performance research, vol.21 n.4, On game studies”

Cassone, V. I. & Viola, F.  (2016), Per una playful city, in “Gamification urbana. Letture e riscritture ludiche degli spazi cittadini”, Saggi di Lexìa.

Hrehovcsik, M. & Roessel, Lies van (2013) Using Vitruvius as a Framework for Applied Game Design. Games for Health. Proceedings of the 3rd european conference on gaming and playful interaction in health care: 131-151

Katzenbach, Christian, Herweg, Sarah & Roessel, Lies van. (2016) Copies, Clones and Genre Building. Discourses on Imitation and Innovation in Digital Games. International Journal of Communication 10.

Roessel, Lies van (2014) Do Apple’s Policies Impede the Growth of Serious Games? Internet Policy Review, Juli 2014

Roessel, Lies van and Herweg, Sarah (2014) Van Pong tot Ridiculous Fishing. Over imitatie en innovatie binnen de gamesector. Homo Ludens Magazine 5

Roessel, Lies van and Mastrigt-Ide, Jeroen van (2011) Collaboration and Team Composition in Applied Game Creation Processes. Proceedings of DiGRA 2011 Conference: Think Design Play