During the 2012-2016 period some 40 books and articles have been published that feature content from Gamification Lab members.
— Joint Publications
Fuchs, M., Fizek, S., Schrape, N., Ruffino, P. (eds) (2014). Rethinking Gamification, meson press. Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University, Lüneburg.
(with articles by Fuchs, Fizek, Schrape, Ruffino, Poltronieri and 9 others)
Fuchs, M. (ed) (2015). Diversity of Play, meson press Lüneburg.
(with articles by Fuchs, Krzywinska, Ensslin, Palmer and Rautzenberg)
Joint Publications by meson press Lüneburg
— Individual Publications
Fizek, Sonia (2015). All work and no play. Sind Computerspiele die Fabriken der Zukunft? TUMULT – Zeitschrift für Verkehrswissenschaft. Wien: Sonderzahl Verlag.
Fizek, Sonia (2015). From Pac Man to Lara Croft. How to research video game characters? (Od Pac Mana do Lary Croft. Jak badac postac w grach wideo?). In Culture and History Journal. University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska in Lublin.
Fizek, Sonia; Beksa, Jarek & Carter, P. (2015). Audio games: investigation of the potential through prototype development. In A Multimodal End-2-End Approach to Accessible Computing, (eds) Biswas, P., Duarte, C., Langdon, P., Almeida, L., Jung, C. London: Springer-Verlag.
Fizek, Sonia; Woletz, Julie & Beksa, Jarek (2015). Playing with sound and gesture in digital audio games. From prototype design to evaluation. In Mensch und Computer 2015 Workshopband, (eds) A. Weisbecker, M. Burmester, A. Schmidt. Oldenburg: De Gruyter.
Fizek, Sonia (2014). Why Fun Matters: In Search of Emergent Playful Experiences. In: Rethinking Gamification, Fuchs, M., Fizek, S. Schrape, N., and Ruffino, P. (eds), meson press. Leuphana Universität.
Fizek, Sonia (2014). Strach ma wielkie uszy. O audiograch, dźwiękach grozy i pierwszym polskim interaktywnym audiobooku | About audio games, sounds of awe and the first Polish interactive audio book.
Fizek, Sonia (2014). Pivoting the Player. A methodological toolkit for player character research in offline role-playing games. Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds, 6.3. Intellect.
Fuchs, Mathias (2016). Ludische Mobilmachung. Zur vollständigen Gamifizierung oder: Du mußt spielen! In: Ernst Strouhal (ed) Agon und Ares. Der Krieg und die Spiele. Campus Verlag. Frankfurt/New York.
Fuchs, Mathias (2016). Interpassives Spielen. In: Judith Ackermann (ed) Phänomen Let´s Play-Video. Entstehung, Ästhetik, Aneignung und Faszination aufgezeichneten Computerspielhandelns, pp. 31-41, Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Fuchs, Mathias (2016). Century of Play: 18th Century Precursors of Gamification. In: Sébastien Genvo & Carl Therrien (Eds.) Exploring the Frontiers of Digital Gaming: Traditional Games, Expressive Games, Pervasive Games. Kinephanos, Special Issue, Montréal.
Fuchs, Mathias (2016). 33 ⅓ Revolutions. In: Harald Kraemer, Daniel C. Howe & Kyle Chung (Eds.): Cultural R>Evolution. Catalogue. School of Creative Media/ City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Fuchs, Mathias (2016). “Sposi, Amici, al ballo, al gioco!” Brevi cenni di ludicizzazione … del diciottesimo secolo. In: Matteo Bittanti & Emanuela Zilio (Eds.): Oltre il gioco. Critica della ludicizzazione urbana. Edizioni Unicopli, Milano.
Fuchs, Mathias (2015). Weltentzug und Weltzerfall (world-withdrawal and world-decay): Heidegger’s notions of withdrawal from the world and the decays of worlds in the times of computer games. In: Malcolm MacLean, Wendy Russell & Emily Ryal (eds): Philosophical Perspectives on Play. Routledge, London.
Fuchs, Mathias (2015). Total Gamification. In: Mathias Fuchs (ed): Diversity of Play. meson press, Lüneburg.
Fuchs, Mathias (2014). Gamen. In: Historisches Wörterbuch des Mediengebrauchs. Christians, H., Bickenbach, M., Wegmann, N. (eds) Böhlau, Köln, Weimar Wien, ISBN 978-3-412-22152-2
Fuchs, Mathias (2014). Gaming, Gamification and Labour Politics. Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds, 6.2. Intellect.
Fuchs, Mathias (2014). Game Art/ Art Games. Game Art killed the the Video Star. In: Daniel Göpfert (ed): Spieltrieb!. Goethe Institut, Krakow, ISBN 678-83-925003-6-0.
Fuchs, Mathias (2014). Nordic game subcultures: between LARPers and avant-garde. In: GAME, vol. 3, 2014 – Games Subcultures. The Italian Journal of Game Studies, Ass.ne Culturale Ludica, Bologna, Via Veneto, Bologna, Italy.
Fuchs, Mathias (2014). Ludoarcheology. In: Extending Play. Tremmel, Aaron, Gilbert, Annie (eds.) SAGE: Games and Culture Journal
Fuchs, Mathias (2014, forthcoming). Subversive Gamification. In: Playful Subversion of Technoculture. Daniel Cermak-Sassenrath, Chek Tien Tan, Charles Walker (eds) Springer, Singapore. Book series: Gaming Media and Social Effects.
Fuchs, Mathias (2013). Gamification. Die Ausweitung der Spielzone. In: Die Visionäre des Silicon Valley. Du – Das Kunstmagazin, Zürich, Schweiz, ISBN 9783905931341.
Fuchs, Mathias & Schrape, Niklas (2013). Bewegte Spiele. Zur Verschiebung des Verhältnisses von Spiel und Alltagswelt durch mobile Games. In: Sprache und Literatur. Paderborn: Fink.
Fuchs, Mathias (2012). Ludic interfaces. Driver and product of gamification. In: GAME, vol. 1, 2012 – ALL OF US, PLAYERS. The Italian Journal of Game Studies, Ass.ne Culturale Ludica, Bologna, Via Veneto, Bologna, Italy.
Poltronieri, Fabrizio; Menezes, C.; Maroja, C. (eds) (2014). The Permanence of the Transient: Precariousness in Art. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Poltronieri, Fabrizio (2014). Precariousness as a conceptual basis for the understanding of art as uninterrupted primacy of play. In: Fabrizio Poltronieri; Caroline Menezes; Camila Maroja. (Org.). The Permanence of the Transient: Precariousness in Art. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 116-125.
Poltronieri, Fabrizio (2014). Negentropy – Art – Memory. In: Camila Mello; Mauro Espíndola; Ali Khodor (Org.). Blank Berlim. São Paulo: Caosmos Editora, p. 42-51.
Poltronieri, Fabrizio (2013). Der Zufall und die Symmetriebrechung der synthetischen Bilder. In: Michael Hanke; Steffi Winkler (eds.). Von Begriff zum Bild: Medienkultur nach Vilém Flusser. 1ed. Berlin: Tectum Verlag Marburg, p. 209-222.
Poltronieri, Fabrizio (2013). Arte, jogo, computação e performance: A falta de fundamento do sistema de arte [+zero]. In: Antonio Wellington de Oliveira Junior (eds.). O corpo implicado: Leituras sobre corpo e performance na contemporaneidade. Fortaleza: Expressão Gráfica e Editora.
Ruffino, Paolo (2014). ‘Beyond Gamification: from problem-solving to problem-making’, Hivos Open for Change, Rotterdam: The Netherlands
Ruffino, Paolo, Cremonesi, M., Cuttica, F., Prati, D. (2014). ‘IOCOSE: Art after culture jamming’ In: Culture Jamming Reader, ed. by DeLaure, M. and Fink, M., New York: NYU Press.
Ruffino, Paolo (2014). From engagement to life, or, how to do things with gamification? In: Rethinking Gamification, Fuchs, M., Schrape, N., Ruffino, P. and Fizek, S. (eds.). meson press, Leuphana Universität
Ruffino, Paolo & Carbone, M. B. (2014). Introduction: games and subcultural theory. In: G|A|M|E, the Italian Journal of Video Game Studies/, Universitá degli Studi di Udine, Italy, 3(1), pp. 5-20.
Ruffino, Paolo (2013). Narratives of Independent Production in Video Game Culture. In: Loading… Journal of the Canadian Game Studies Association/, 7 (11), pp. 106-121.
Ruffino Paolo & Carbone, M. B. (2012). Apocalypse postponed. Discourses on video games from noxious objects to redemptive devices. In: G|A|M|E, the Italian Journal of Video Game Studies/, Universitá degli Studi di Udine, Italy, 1(1).
Schrape, Niklas (2014): Gaia’s Game. In: communication+1, 3. University of Massachusetts.
Schrape, Niklas (2014, forthcoming): Dani Bunten wants to play. Eine biographische Notiz zur Genese der Computerspiele. In: Texturen. Berlin: UdK Verlag.
Waack, Sebastian (2014). Vom Leben in den Unterricht? Zeitschrift COMPUTER + UNTERRICHT 95/ 2014.