Brazilian scholar’s productive research period at Leuphana

Eduardo Harry has been our guest until end of August 2019. Unfortunately he had to leave and return to the South of Brazil. He did not only stay in Lüneburg but visited Aalborg, Berlin and other places to present papers and participate in discussions. His project:

Technocultural resonances: sonic traces in contemporary computer games

explored and continues to explore the contiguities between sonic expressions of computer games and the historical urgencies and tendencies of a contemporary technocultural dispositif, inscribing the audiovisual expressions of media within a larger memory of technoculture. His research stay was incredibly productive with an output of these texts: 

Interview (situation: published):

LUERSEN, E. H.; MASCHKE, G. M. (2019). Noise and error in contemporary technoculture: an interview with Peter Krapp . Spheres: Journal for Digital Cultures, 2 (Ecologies of change), Lüneburg: Leuphana Universität.

Presentation (accepted):
LUERSEN, E.H. Estranged cartographers: methodological craftsmanship and the quest for difference in the sound analysis of computer games. In: II Encuentro Nacional de Ludomusicología. 3 al 5 de octubre de 2019. Santiago: Universidad de Chile.

Presentation (accepted) and conference proceedings (sent):
LUERSEN, E. H. (2019). Ouvindo os fantasmas da máquina: memória das mídias na paisagem sonora dos videogames. In: Encontro Internacional de Música e Mídia, 15, São Paulo, USP, 25 a 27 de setembro de 2019. São Paulo.

Presentation (accepted) and book chapter (sent):
LUERSEN, E. H. (2019). Da dimensão audível da tecnocultura nos jogos digitais: notas sobre uma ecologia audiovisual em curso. In: II Congresso Internacional Media Ecology and Image Studies, 1 a 31 de outubro 2019. Anais do II Congresso Internacional Media Ecology and Image Studies. Online.

Presentation (accepted) and conference proceedings (accepted):
LUERSEN, E. H. (2019). Passagens entre jogo e trabalho: rastros da experiência laboral moderna nos jogos digitais. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação, 42, Belém. Anais, Belém: UFBA.

Translation (to be sent):
FUCHS, Mathias. (20xx). Retirada do mundo e dissolução do mundo: noções de Heidegger na era dos jogos digitais. (Trad. Eduardo H. Luersen). Revista Logos, v.26, n.1, Rio de Janeiro: UERJ.

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